The Worst Theoretical Prediction in the History of Physics

Dark Energy, and One of the Most Famous Unsolved Problem in Physics

The Worst Theoretical Prediction in the History of Physics
Image by dawnydawny from Pixabay

Quantum field theory or QFT is the framework in which the Standard Model of particle physics (which includes the theories of the electroweak and strong nuclear interactions) is formulated. In particular, quantum electrodynamics or QED has predicted the values of physical quantities with unprecedented precision. For example, the magnetic dipole moment of the muon has a measured value of 233 184 600 (1680) × 10⁻¹¹. The theory predicts the following value 233 183 478 (308) × 10⁻¹¹. This agreement is nothing short of astounding (see this link).

However, quantum field theory is also famous for its divergences. Perhaps, the most significant one regards the vacuum energy density (or vacuum expectation value, usually referred to as VEV), discussed in a previous article (see link below). Every quantum field has a corresponding divergent zero-point energy. Summing over all modes (until some physically reasonable energy or frequency cutoff) leads to a gigantic value for the vacuum energy density.

Figure 1: Examples of Feynman diagrams representing divergences in quantum field theory. In the first, a photon creates a virtual electron-positron pair, which then annihilates (vacuum polarization). In the second, an electron emits and reabsorbs a virtual photon (self-energy) (source).

However, the vacuum energy predicted by general relativity and observed experimentally is extremely small. The difference in both estimates can be as high as 120 orders of magnitude (check this link).

The cosmological constant problem, also known as vacuum catastrophe, one of the most important unsolved problems in modern physics is precisely the existence of such discrepancy between the experimentally measured value of the vacuum energy density and the theoretical zero-point energy obtained using quantum field theory, which is much larger (see the link below). Hobson, Efstathiou & Lasenby (HEL) refer to it as “the worst theoretical prediction in the history of physics.”

When gravity is considered, such an energy density leads to severe difficulties since, in general relativity, any form of matter or energy must be added to the vacuum energy (in the case of the other fields, the vacuum energy can be subtracted, as will be discussed later).

The Energy of the VacuumQuantum Vacuum Fluctuations and the Casimir

A Very Quick Overview of Einstein’s Gravity Theory

Between 1915 and 1916, Einstein concluded the formulation of his general theory of relativity. His gravity field equations showed that the warping of a spacetime region is generated by the nearby energy and momentum of the matter and radiation.

Figure 2: An illustration of the warping of spacetime caused by the presence of the Sun (source).

The following diagram illustrates the mutual correspondence:

Written in terms of tensors GR, and T the equation reads:

Equation 1: Einstein field equations with Einstein’s tensor G, the Ricci curvature tensor R, and the scalar curvature R (the trace of R).

For a much more detailed treatment of the gravity field equations, check the following article:

Quantum Gravity, Timelessness and Complex NumbersIs The Wave Equation of the Universe Timeless and Real?

The tensor R, the Ricci curvature tensor measures the extent to which the geometrical properties of spacetime differ (locally) from that of the usual Euclidean space.

Figure 3: How the geometrical properties (in this figure, the distance between two points) of a manifold (in this case, with positive curvature) differ from that of the usual Euclidean space.

The tensor in Eq. 1 is the metric tensor g, and has the form:

Equation 2: The metric tensor g.

The corresponding line element (representing the infinitesimal displacement) can be written as follows:

Equation 3: The line element corresponding to the tensor g.
Figure 4: The vector line element dr (in green) in three-dimensional Euclidean space. The square of the magnitude of dr is equal to the line element (source).

The tensor T on the right-hand side is the energy-momentum tensor. It contains information about the matter and energy which deforms spacetime.

Equation 4: The components of the energy-momentum tensor T (source).

A Bird’s-eye View of Cosmology

In 1917, one year after publishing his general theory of relativity, Einstein applied it to the entire universe (which was thought to be just only the Milky Way galaxy) in his seminal paper “Cosmological Considerations on the General Theory of Relativity.” This paper marked the birth of modern cosmology.

In this article, Einstein assumes the universe to be static and to have a closed spatial geometry (a three-dimensional sphere, which is finite yet unbounded). However, his theory did not admit static solutions (there were only contracting ones), and he had to introduce a new term (and an appropriate mix of matter and vacuum energy), the cosmological constant Λ term in Eq. 1:

Equation 5: Einstein field equations with the new term containing the cosmological constant Λ.

This universe is known is the Einstein static universe and it is not of empirical interest (see Carroll).

Figure 5: Einstein (source) and his 1917 paper where he applied his general theory of relativity to the whole universe (source).

He was able to include this term dependent on in Eq. 1 for the following reason. The covariant derivative ∇ of both G and T is zero:

Equation 6: The covariant derivative ∇ of both G and T is zero.

Since the metric tensor also has this property

Equation 7: The covariant derivative of the metric tensor is zero.

the consistency of the equation is not spoiled by introducing the term. In the weak-field (or Newtonian) limit, we obtain:

Equation 8: Going to the Newtonian limit we see that Λ acts as a gravitational repulsion, linearly dependent on the distance r.

We see that Λ acts as a gravitational repulsion, linearly dependent on the distance r.

The Expanding Universe

However, in 1929, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble found that:

  • Several objects thought to be clouds of dust and gas were in fact galaxies beyond the Milky Way (this wasn’t known when Einstein introduced Λ into his equations).
  • The recessional velocity of galaxies increases depending on their distance from the Earth (the so-called “Hubble’s law”)
  • His findings together with previous work by the Belgian Catholic priest, mathematician, and astronomer Georges Lemaître concluded that the universe is expanding.
Figure 6: How to calculate Hubble’s constant (source).

The expansion of the universe meant, therefore, that introducing the cosmological constant wasn’t necessary, as Einstein thought. In a conversation with the Ukrainian born physicist and cosmologist George Gamow, he famously remarked that the introduction of the cosmological term was the biggest blunder he ever made in his life.

Figure 7: Edwin Hubble (source) and Georges Lemaître (source), whose work demonstrated that the universe is expanding.

A Different View of the Cosmological Constant

Today, however, the cosmological constant is viewed in a completely new way. In fact, its presence is responsible for the following spectacular experimental result: our universe is not just expanding, it is expanding at an accelerated rate. The phases of the expansion are illustrated in the figure below. Accelerating expansion occurs when the velocity at which distant galaxies are receding from observers is increasing with time.

Figure 8: Accelerated expansion of the universe (source).

The Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) Metric 
If one considers very large regions (such galaxy clusters, on scales of the order 100 Mpc where a parsec pc is equal to 31 trillion kilometers) the geometry of the universe (the spatial part of the metric), is approximately homogeneous (it is the same in all locations) and isotropic (it is the same in all directions). See Figure 10 below.

Figure 9: The Galaxy cluster IDCS J1426 has the mass ~500 trillion suns (source).

The figure below illustrates the concepts of isotropy and homogeneity:

Figure 10: The concepts of isotropy and homogeneity (source).

Based on these assumptions, one obtains as solutions of Einstein field equations, universes with constant curvature, the so-called Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universes. Their spatial part can be written in different ways.

One possible choice is:

Equation 9: One possible way to write the spatial part of the FRW metric.

where the function a(t) is the cosmic scale factor, which is related to the size of the universe. The parameter k specifies the shape of the FLRW metric. The three possible values of are +1,0 or 1 and are associated with universes with positive, zero, and negative curvatures, respectively.

Figure 11: The three possible values of k in Eq. 9 are 1,0 or -1 and are associated with universes with positive, zero, and negative curvatures, respectively.

Introducing spherical coordinates:

Equation 10: Spherical coordinates with dimensionless radial curvature.
Figure 12: Spherical coordinates, where the r in the figure is the r with the tilde in Eq. 10.

and defining the coordinate:

Equation 11: The parameter r in terms of the usual r which is identified by the ~ on top of it.

where the ~ identifies the usual radial variable the FLRW metric, and now including the temporal part the line element becomes:

Equation 12: A more convenient way to write the FLRW line element.

It is important to understand that, points in spacetime and spacetime coordinates are two different concepts. Coordinates are labels assigned to thepoints and therefore their choice shouldn’t change the laws of physics. The coordinates rθ, and ϕ are referred to as comoving coordinatesAs the cosmic scale factor, a(t) increases, the distance between points also increases but the distance in the comoving coordinate system does not.

Figure 13: The cosmic scale factor, denoted by R(t) in the figure, corresponds to the function a(t) (source).

Assuming isotropy and homogeneity at large scales the energy-momentum tensor T becomes the energy-momentum tensor of a “perfect fluid”:

Equation 13: The energy-momentum tensor of a perfect fluid.

where ρ is the mass-energy density and p is the hydrostatic pressure.

A perfect fluid by definition:

  • Is completely characterized by its rest frame mass density ρ and its isotropic pressure p.
  • Have no shear stresses, viscosity, or heat conduction (see this link).
Figure 14: A perfect fluid flowing past an infinitely long cylinder (source).

For example, consider T in its rest frame. It becomes simply:

Equation 14: The energy-momentum tensor of a perfect fluid in its rest frame.

With this simpler T we can describe matter using only two quantities: its density ρ and pressure p:

Note that both depend only on the cosmic scale factor a(t). The Einstein field equations then become the well-known Friedmann equations for the scale factor:

Equation 15: The Friedmann equations which are the EFE when the energy-momentum tensor is isotropic and homogeneous.
Figure 15: The Russian physicist Alexander Friedmann circa 1922 (source).

The third important equation is the equation of state which is just the equation on the right of Eq. 6 for FLRW universes:

Equation 16: Equation of state for FLRW universes.

Now consider, following HEL, some unknown substance with a particularly unusual equation of state, with negative pressure:

Equation 17: A positive vacuum energy resulting from Λ implies that the pressure p<0. The negative pressure drives de accelerated expansion.

The tensor T, in this case, becomes (see the expression for T for the perfect fluid):

Equation 18: Since T depends only on the geometry of spacetime, it is a property of the vacuum itself and ρ is called the vacuum energy or energy density of space.

which is independent of the choice of coordinates. Note that T depends only on the geometry of spacetime (via g). It is, therefore, a property of the vacuum itself. Therefore ρ is the vacuum energy or energy density of space.

Now compare Eqs. 5 and 19. The new term has the same form as the g term. We can then write:

Equation 19: The vacuum energy or energy density of space.

Therefore, the presence of the cosmological constant is equivalent to the existence of a vacuum energy density:

Equation 20: Introducing a cosmological constant is equivalent to the existence of a vacuum energy density.

Einstein’s field equations then become:

Equation 21: The modified EFE including the vacuum energy tensor.

Solving Eq. 16 for this case we obtain:

Equation 22: The energy density of the vacuum energy is constant, therefore, it eventually becomes dominant versus matter and energy densities.

Cosmological observations give:

Equation 23: Value of the energy density of Λ (or equivalently, the vacuum energy) obtained from the cosmological observations.

The Lambda-CDM model

According to the Lambda-CDM model, the accelerated expansion started after the universe entered its dark-energy-dominated era.

Figure 16: Estimated division of total energy of the universe into matter, dark matter, and dark energy (source).

As explained before, the acceleration can be accounted for by the positivity of the cosmological constant (Λ>0). The latter is equivalent to the presence of a form of energy, dubbed dark energy, a positive form of vacuum energy. The description mostly used today in the current standard model of cosmology includes the presence of both dark energy and of the postulated dark matter.

Figure 17: Three possible endings of the universe are considered by physicists depending on the nature of the dark energy (source).

However, as noted in Carroll (and mentioned in the introduction of this article), general relativity has the following peculiarity: while in non-gravitational physics (electromagnetism for example), only differences in energy are relevant to describe the motion of bodies (the zero of energy is arbitrary), in general relativity the value per se of the energy must be known. This leads us immediately to the question: if the zero of the energy is the energy of the empty state, what is the vacuum energy? One of the most important unsolved problems in physics is how can to answer that question.

Calculating the Vacuum Energy in Quantum Field Theory

Using quantum field theory one can calculate the quantum mechanical vacuum energy (or zero-point energy) for any quantum field. The result of this calculation can be as high as 120 orders of magnitude larger than the upper limits obtained via cosmological observations. It is believed that there exists some mechanism that makes Λ small but non-zero.

Let us calculate the so-called quantum energy of the vacuum which exists throughout the whole Universe.

Figure 18: Fluctuating virtual particles coming in and out of existence and therefore violating energy conservation for short periods according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (source).

To avoid unnecessary complications I will follow consider a real massless scalar field φ (instead of the more convoluted electromagnetic field) which is described by a real function φ(x,t). The classical Hamiltonian, in this case, is:

Equation 24: The free Hamiltonian of the classical real massless scalar field.

Now canonically quantizing the classical field φ. The vacuum energy is obtained by taking the expectation value with respect to the quantum vacuum state:

Equation 25: The energy of the vacuum.

Expressing the field in terms of creation and annihilation operators and performing simple algebraic manipulations we arrive at the following expression for the vacuum expectation value (where there are no particles).

Equation 26: The energy of the vacuum.

The second term in Eq. 26 implies that the vacuum expectation value (VEV) is infinite. This infinite contribution to the VEV is what shows up as the cosmological constant. As noted by Carroll, the infinite value is not a consequence of a possible infinitely big space: it is a consequence of the modes with high frequency over which we integrate. If we limit the integration using some cutoff we obtain:

Equation 27: The energy of the vacuum discarding modes with very high frequency.

If QFT is valid for energies as high as the Planck energy we obtain:

Equation 28: Order of magnitude of the VEV if QFT is valid for energies as high as the Planck energy.

Dividing Eq. 28 by Eq. 23 we obtain the (in)famous factor of 120.

Thanks for reading and see you soon! As always, constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome!

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