What is the Axiom of Choice?
Here’s a fun 2-minute guide to the infamous Axiom of Choice, one of the stranger mathematical curiosities.
Here’s a fun 2-minute guide to the infamous Axiom of Choice, one of the stranger mathematical curiosities.
Open Problem
Some shocking results from 180,000 iterations
Number Theory
On two of the most popular and well-known patterns by humans and nature
Modular Arithmetic
Mathematics has a lot of hidden gems. Today I will try to give us a glimpse to one of the vast domain — modular arithmetics.
Can you solve all three?
Number Theory
Adding probabilities and velocities have at least two things in common — a maximum and Pascal’s triangle.
Number Theory
An ancient proof to give insight into an unsolved problem.
I recently had the privilege of interviewing Ken Ono, one of the most brilliant Mathematicians in the world. Not only has he made huge…
Number Theory
An introduction and index to an article series on the properties of and patterns in the powers of two
Number Theory
What one would do to find the representation of a number written in one base to some another would probably be to take a look at the…
Number Theory
My Journey of Rediscovering Some of Mathematics’ Most Beautiful Numbers
Prime Numbers
It was a big surprise discovering zero when I was really looking for prime numbers. Back in 1992, I had a simple computer at my disposal …