Quantum Electrodynamics
How Richard Feynman Reinvented Quantum Theory
The Space-Time Approach to Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Electrodynamics
The Space-Time Approach to Quantum Mechanics
A Clever Way to Quickly Take Derivatives Used by Richard Feynman
“I went through fire on my first.” While still a graduate student at Princeton University in 1940, Richard P. Feynman (1918–1988) gave his first lecture in a seminar on electrodynamics, the topic that would eventually earn him the 1965 Nobel Prize in physics. In front of a prestigious audience
«You don’t understand “ordinary people”. To you they are “stupid fools”» Entrepreneur Stephen Wolfram is a unique egg. By age 14, he had written three books on particle physics. He earned his Ph.D. at age 20 and began publishing research papers at the age of 18, some of
Quantum Electrodynamics
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1965: Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger, and Richard P. Feynman
Let’s journey back to November 1943. The Manhattan project is in its fourth year of operations, and J. Robert Oppenheimer’s Los Alamos Laboratory is eleven months into its mission of designing and building the first atomic bomb.
Beloved late physicist Richard P. Feynman (1918–1988) first met his hero Paul Dirac (1902–1984) during Princeton University’s Bicentennial Celebration in 1946 and then again at least twice, in 1948 and 1962.
“We have a different kind of awareness about what might happen than we have of what probably has happened”
“I would like to make a number of remarks on the relation of mathematics and physics”
Today’s article is going to discuss an obscure but powerful integration technique most commonly known as differentiation under the integral sign, but occasionally referred to as “Feynman’s technique” ...