Temperature Scales
The most widely adopted temperature scale is the Celsius or centigrade scale. Nowadays, we use these terms as synonyms, but, in fact, they were not such, originally.
The most widely adopted temperature scale is the Celsius or centigrade scale. Nowadays, we use these terms as synonyms, but, in fact, they were not such, originally.
Gradient Descent
In typical machine learning problems, there is always an input and a desired output. However, the machine doesn’t really know that.
Revisiting the Babylonian method for square roots: why and how does it work?
There is a rich history of mathematicians, philosophers, and other thinkers invoking demons (real or imaginary) in their reasonings. The tradition goes back at least to the iconic ancient Greek philosopher Socrates.
This commentary is on the relevant parts of Davies’s book, Science in the Looking Glass. The following is not a book review.
Binary search is ubiquitous. Even if you are not aware of it, you have most likely used some (approximate) version of binary search one way or another
When a Sliding Bead at Rest Reaches Its Minimum Independently of Its Where It Started
Entropy is a bit of a buzzword in modern science. Usually it is used as a synonym for “disorder,” but it is so much more interesting than that.
Graph Theory
Strongly Connected Components Algorithm
A Simple Application of the Basics of Newtonian Physics in Accelerated Reference Frames
An introduction to the concept of an electrical current
A Modern Derivation of Newton’s Revolutionary Proof of the Inverse-Square Law