A Quick Mathematical Puzzle: Calendar Dice
What numbers do they need to contain to display all days of the month?
What numbers do they need to contain to display all days of the month?
Probability Theory
Should I switch or should I stay? The Switching Paradox
Probability Theory
With the current Corona Crisis going on the world, many people demand more testing. But from a mathematical point of view, just randomly (!!) testing more is not the answer. The problem here lies within the false positives that may occur when two very unlikely events are highly correlated.
Applied Statistics
You guess all 20 questions on your multiple-choice exam. What are the chances that you pass?
Probability Theory
Why probabilities can sometimes be confusing.
The easy, the sophisticated and the surprising way of estimating π
A mathematical approach.
Probability Theory
Why you still shouldn’t play. The Martingale Strategy
Probability Theory
How much longer do I have to wait for my bus?